There sure is a lot to starting a non profit before it becomes a reality! Amber Melanie Smith is a professional who helps people set up nonprofits successfully. Susanna, through scheduled zoom meetings, has gained much helpful and practical insight and knowledge from her. With Amber’s help, we have developed a step-by-step plan to follow to make sure we aren’t missing anything. She has also worked on our budget and fundraising ideas, and the wording of our new mission statement!
Our Mission Statement: “The Hem helps needy, underprivileged, neglected individuals come to wholeness through the love of God, in partnership with other non-profits, businesses, and churches.”
The name of the nonprofit: “The Hem”
Why “The Hem”?
The name comes from the story of a woman in the Bible. This woman had needs that were severe, and of which she had suffered for a long time. One day she touched the hem of Jesus’ robe. Immediately, all she needed came flowing from Him into her. She was healed completely, and she went away whole! We want to be The Hem. We want to be a place where people come into contact with God. A place where they meet Him, their needs are met (whatever they are), and they go away whole.
It is super exciting to have a name and mission statement! There is a lot more work to do, but these pieces in place make the nonprofit and helping people in real ways seem just that much more of a reality! Also… Tommy and I know where we will be living! We have paid the deposit on a house we will be renting in Eagle, Idaho, starting the beginning of April! Eagle is a suburb of Boise, and we will be located 18 minutes North-West of the Boise Rescue Mission main location. The Boise Rescue Mission has been open since 1958 and appears to be the main homeless shelter in the area, housing hundreds of people, and with a strong gospel emphasis. Time will tell, but we have hopes of partnering and working alongside them one day!
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