Under Construction

God is never absent or lazy!! Over September, October and November it’d seemed like things had slowed down to a snail’s pace as far as THE HEM was concerned. But, of course, God was working behind the scenes the whole time!

He was educating me. During this time I read many online articles on the subject of starting up nonprofits in this day and age, I listened to podcasts and attended webinars. I kept notes on things like board meeting organization, financial laws, nonprofit planning… 

He was working in me. I am *so very enthused* about THE HEM and excited as I watch it develop step by step! But God reminded me once again it is not “my project”. It is so much bigger than that, it is “God’s project”. This is so much more than what I can do, or what I and a team of dedicated helpers with me could do. This is a God-sized project doing God-type of things in the hearts and lives of people. The unforeseen and unexpected break(with the pregnancy) helped me to see this in an even clearer way, and helped me to recognize that without HIM putting things into place and giving the ability, time and resources, we can do nothing. 

He was spreading the word, His way. Since moving to Idaho the end of June everywhere my husband and I have gone we have naturally met people. Farmer’s markets, restaurants, Home Depot, biking trails, prayer meetings, Bible studies, churches, post office, grocery stores. They have asked us what brought us to Idaho… where we live now… what we do or plan to do…  We have been happy to tell them about THE HEM, and all are excited about the ministry-thrift store coming into the area! God is setting the scene for the ministry, and one by one, God is spreading interest in people and planting seeds where He knows they count. 

Additionally, in a seemingly miraculous way, our loving Heavenly Father has put this mom’s heart at ease by bringing to my attention several local concrete options for flexible, quality child care I’d trust, should it seem right and necessary. This is something that had concerned me, having a strong desire to lead this ministry God has given me a tangible vision for, but also wanting(and feeling the responsibility) to take care of little Aubrey once she is born.♥


“May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful, and He will do it.” 1 Thess 5:23-24

PHRASE OF THE MONTH: Surrender. Let God do things His way. It’s always the best way!

LESSONS LEARNED: All things are in God’s capable hands. Always. All things. Including THE HEM, the neighborhood we hope to reach, the world, my little girl… All.

SMILES: Getting and putting up a real Christmas tree with my husband. Enjoying a quiet day together, playing chess, realizing this is our first (and also our last) truly quiet Christmas as a family for a while.



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